Sunrise at Trocadéro

Sunrise at Trocadéro

When planning my trip to Paris I kept the itinerary light, I didn’t want to put too much pressure on needing to be anywhere at a certain time. I’d much prefer to go with the flow and explore a new city with little to no plan. One thing I did know I wanted to do for sure, though, was see the sunrise at Trocadéro.

Sunrise at Trocadéro

So on Sunday morning, my alarm went off at 5:30 a.m. It was cold, dark, and I was so tired. But it didn’t matter, I was going to see the sunrise over Paris. So I bundled up, grabbed a croissant (the first one of the day) from the front desk of the hotel and headed off to the Metro, to make my way to the Eiffel Tower.

Sunrise at Trocadéro

Let’s just say, the view did not disappoint. Everything was drenched in the most perfect golden, pink light, there were a few people wandering around taking pictures. But for the most part we had one of the most beautiful sights I have ever seen, to ourselves.

Sunrise at Trocadéro

As the sun continued to rise more and more people started to arrive, I could have sat there all morning and admired the view but on a four day trip to Paris there is a lot to see, so off in search or coffee and and croissants before setting off to explore the surrounding neighborhoods!

Sunrise at Trocadéro

Honestly, walking around Paris never gets old. Even if you aren’t in a neighborhood around the corner from the Eiffel Tower, I know I’ve said it already but the buildings are so gorgeous! I know I said it before, but it really was one of my favorite parts of the trip!

Sunrise at Trocadéro

We quickly found a cute cafe with some giant croissants, called Carette. Where we ordered a a pot of tea, croissants as big as my head and toast. A breakfast with 2 different carbs is one I can get behind, and when you have a long day of exploring ahead of you a belly full of carbs is as good a fuel as any! By the time we finished breakfast, the sun was up, it had warmed up, and it was shaping up to be a pretty gorgeous day for more exploration!

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