healthy living

Spring into Sexy

Nicole is back with another great wellness Wednesday! This time it’s a little different, she’s going to be running amazing spring cleanse in April and she’s here to share a little bit about it! I’ll be joining along and we’ll keeping y’all updated as we go along, but Nicole has also decided to extend an incredible discount to all of you! Use the code breewest to spring into sexy with us!

Spring into Sexy

Good news! The long nights of winter and cold temperatures are coming to an end and spring is just around the corner. These shifts in temperatures and timing create an ideal scenario for cleansing. As the weather begins to warm up and the days get a little longer, our bodies instinctively begin to revitalize and our energy levels starts to rise.

Our bodies naturally want to cleanse during this time of year to prepare for the summer months and spring offers transformation, regeneration and new growth. Waste builds up during the winter months and we need to shrug off the excess, clean out and refresh our systems.

No matter where you are physically, mentally or emotionally, SPRING is the perfect time of year to take your health into your own hands and to rededicate yourself to your own wellbeing so you can vibrate and thrive at the highest level. Not to mention, that bikini season is just around the corner why not get a jump on that rockin bod!

Let’s talk about the word “cleanse” for a minute. I know there is so much information AND misinformation out there which can actually lead to more questions than answers.

My personal definition of a cleanse is a “reset or reboot” of your system or your physical and mental health. This is achieved by eliminating those foods, which cause inflammation, and for those of you that do not already know this – inflammation is the root of ALL disease! Things like: weight gain, headaches, cancer, heart disease, chronic arthritis, IBS, mood swings, fatigue and the list goes on and on.

So, in order to “reset” we must first remove: gluten, soy, sugar, dairy and alcohol. Next we introduce naturally detoxifying foods, as well as, organic whole fruits, vegetables and proteins. I then introduce techniques for removing and flushing out all of those toxins, while also addressing the mind, body connection and ways to reduce stress. My spring cleanse challenge is designed to give you the tools and knowledge to create a healthy, sustainable lifestyle that you can carry with you long after the cleanse concludes. My number one goal is that you never feel alone throughout this program. I will be your biggest support along the way. My dream is to create a healthier planet one human being at a time.

This four-week detox program will get your GLOWING inside and out.

And, I promise – you will never go hungry during this challenge.

For more information and to determine if this spring cleanse challenge is right for you, please visit my website or email me!


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