Starting Fresh

Starting Fresh

Do you ever feel totally and completely drained on every level? Like you’re in desperate need of taking a step back,  recharging, and starting fresh?

Starting Fresh

This summer has left me feeling that way, and some, and this weekend was exactly what I needed to recharge, yesterday felt a little bit like I was starting fresh. I love summer, but in a lot of ways I feel like I’ve been living in one long summer, since before I left for Bali last year (living in Southern California in the winter will do that I guess), and I am ready to move on.

Starting Fresh

My new job is great, but working in an office full time is very different than working on the blog full time was and these last six weeks have been completely exhausting. I have fallen asleep on the couch more than once just because I’m too tired to walk to bed, so this weekend was all about trying to hit reset and recharge a little bit. For me that usually involves the ocean.

Starting Fresh

There’s something about the ocean that really is very soothing for me, almost healing. There have been few things in my life that haven’t been able to be fixed by spending time by the water, whether I’m with friends and family or alone, it always seems to do the trick. And this weekend was no different.

Starting Fresh

I spent most of the long weekend saying goodbye to summer and reflecting on all the ups and downs of the last year and a half. Finishing the weekend off at my absolute favorite place in the world was perfect. I am a firm believer of the idea that everything happens for a reason and this year was certainly a testament to that very concept. From being laid off, to traveling, to moving across the country, and back, and everything in between, I don’t think I’d be where I am if I hadn’t experienced all of it. Finally feeling grounded is a pretty incredible feeling, but it has been a really exhausting and draining process to get here.

Starting Fresh

Hermine rolled in on Monday and put on quite a show with some ridiculously massive waves, thankfully the rain held off until that night so we got an amazing day at my childhood beach house. I spent the day catching up with family, walking up and down the boardwalk with my grandfather, and laughing with friends I’ve known my entire life because our families have been friends forever, all by the ocean.

Starting Fresh

Hat // Sweater // Shorts

September is my favorite month, especially in Boston. The weather is perfect, this weekend was amazing. It was perfect temps for a cozy sweater and a pair of shorts, although jeans were definitely a necessity at night. Needless to say, after the insane heat we’ve had in DC the last couple of months, I was happy as a clam.

Starting Fresh

I definitely came back to DC feeling clear headed and ready for fall and a fresh start. With no major trips or travel coming up, it will be nice to spend some time at home and really focus on my new job and getting into a routine. I’m also so excited for this heat to finally leave the District. Bring on the cooler temps so I can continue to wear this sweater on repeat please.

Starting Fresh

How did you spend the long weekend? What do you do when you’re feeling drained and like you’re in need of a fresh start?

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